Tuesday 30 June 2015

Advances in Weight Loss Hypnotherapy – The Virtual Gastric Band

More and more people are choosing the Virtual Gastric Band, the latest advance in weight loss hypnotherapy, over the more expensive and dangerous surgical procedure. Modern gastroplasty, including gastric banding, was pioneered by Drs. Kuzmac and Yap in 1990 and has become increasingly more popular as the obesity epidemic has continued to grow in the US.

Gastric banding was originally recommended in only the most severe cases of morbid obesity. However, as it's popularity increased, the amount a person had to be overweight to be considered for a gastric band has steadily been lowered to the point now where some are recommending the gastric band for people who only need to lose between 80 and 100 lbs.

The Virtual Gastric Band can be an affordable and highly effective weight loss tool regardless of the amount of weight a person has to lose. Used as one component of an overall weight loss Hypnotherapy Michigan program, the hypnotherapist implants, in the unconscious mind of the client, the belief that a gastric band has been attached to the stomach thereby shrinking the stomach by about 75% causing you to feel full more quickly and requiring that you eat more slowly.

Actual gastric band surgery costs between $5,000 and $20,000 depending upon the type of surgery and who is doing it (there are some discount rate doctors out there but one would be wise to investigate thoroughly before going that route) and the list of possible complications from invasive surgery is long and ominous. In addition, studies show that not only do these procedures often require follow up surgeries, they also need additional support to help patients with compliance, a critical component of a successful surgery.
The Virtual Gastric Band procedure, on the other hand can be accomplished for well under $1,000 in most major cities, does not require any surgery at all and includes behavior modification as a core component of the program.

At Happiness Now Hypnosis, our Virtual Gastric Band program consists of a total of 6 sessions of about 1.2 hours each. The first three sessions focus on reprogramming your unconscious mind's eating strategies to a more healthy and desirable way of approaching food. It also induces a more active lifestyle, an essential component of any successful, long term weight loss program. The last three sessions focus on the unconscious implantation of the virtual gastric band itself.
Once the Virtual Gastric Band procedure is completed, the client will find that their stomach feels much smaller and that they will get full after even a very small portion., as if they had actual undergone the surgery and had the gastric band installed. The advantage the Virtual Gastric Band client will have is that they will have undergone about 4.5 hours of Hypnotherapy Michigan prior to the procedure thereby assuring the proper intellectual and emotional foundation to assure success of the procedure, something totally absent in the surgical equivalent.

The Virtual Gastric Band - Weight Loss Hypnotherapy 6 Session Package is currently being offered at a special rate of only $495 and comes with the following guarantee. If after the 6 sessions, you are not losing weight comfortably and consistently, up to two more weight loss hypnotherapy sessions will be provided at no additional cost. Schedule online now for the New Year.

Monday 29 June 2015

Hypnosis Works for Weight Loss - Here's Why

People are always asking me if hypnosis michigan works for things like weight loss or to quit smoking or to relieve stress along with a wide variety of circumstances and the answer is almost always "yes." The reason my answer is almost always yes is because all of your emotions and most of your behaviors are either controlled entirely or greatly influenced by your unconscious mind and the unconscious mind is where hypnosis michigan and Neuro-Linguistic Programming works effectively to create the lasting positive changes people are wanting. 
Let's take weight loss as an example. Eating is very much an unconscious behavior. People eat for a variety of reasons, the least of which normally is healthy nutrition. People eat when they're stressed, bored, depressed, celebrating, tired, anxious, being social and from time to time to nourish their body. All these reasons, except healthy eating, are controlled by the unconscious part of your mind.
That's why diets alone don't work. Diets that limit your intake, programs consisting of pre-packaged foods, or meetings that focus on what and how much you eat don't do anything to change the behaviors that put on weight in the first place. Meetings may even educate you as to understanding your "triggers" (code for unconscious responses) for eating but understanding them doesn't do anything to change them. All they do is resist them for the short term. The problem is, your unconscious mind is very patient and waits for that opening that almost certainly will appear, where it can resume the unhealthy behaviors. I'm reminded of those trick birthday candles that you can blow out again and again but once you stop blowing, they light right back up.  
In order to permanently replace the behaviors that put the weight on in the first place with new healthier behaviors, you have to literally "reprogram" that unconscious part of your mind by teaching it new, healthier behaviors. Hypnosis and NLP were designed to do exactly that. The unconscious mind is constantly learning new skills and improving existing ones all on its own without your direction. But, as quick as it is to learn things it wants to learn, it can and does often resist your conscious attempts to make it change behaviors you want it to change. That's why you can find yourself backsliding even if you don't want to...even if your health depends upon it. Using hypnosis michigan and NLP, your unconscious mind becomes receptive to change...to learning new behaviors and the techniques used are designed to teach these new behaviors in the way that the unconscious mind likes to learn. 
What you eat and how much you eat are the symptoms of your unconscious mind's well intentioned behaviors. Changing the "what" and the "how much" only treats the symptom without addressing the cause. When you change the "why" and the "how" you eat and support those changes with proper goal setting, you'll find the "what" and "how much" changing naturally and without sacrifice. You'll be surprised and delighted how easily the weight will begin to come off once your unconscious mind is working for your weight loss goals instead of against it. Hypnosis and NLP have been proven to be a very effective tool for making those changes when will power isn't enough. 
Get started reaching your ultimate weight loss goal by scheduling an session today. Most people find the entire experience to be extremely relaxing and pleasurable. 

Friday 26 June 2015

Enjoy Life More With Hypnosis & NLP

I frequently work with clients who have a good job, a good home and family and by all respects they should be joyful or at least happy but they’re not. Sometimes they feel their life is full of too much stress. Other times, they are “people pleasers” who find themselves unable to bring balance into their lives and never seem to have enough time for themselves. People with low self esteem often have difficulty enjoying their life because they never quite feel they are worthy and therefore have to keep proving it to themselves and others. This can be exhausting. Hypnosis Michigan and Neuro Linguistic Programming, especially when combined together can be very effective at releasing the negative emotions that keep people from experiencing more joy and happiness in their life.

Low self esteem or a negative self image can feel like you have a hole inside of you that you are constantly trying to fill up from outside yourself. Some try to fill it by people pleasing, others try to fill that emptiness through shopping. Still others find themselves in one relationship after another, always struggling to fill their spouses needs but never getting their own needs filled.

Everyone deserves to enjoy life more and be happy. And to be clear, I am not suggesting the kind of unreal Pollyanna type of happiness that blytehly ignores reality and the struggles in life. The kind of happiness I am talking about is being genuinely happy with a positive outlook while dealing with the challenges of living in today’s world. We’ve all met people like that and what an uplifting experience it is when we do. To be that kind of happy, you need to first fill that hole… that emptiness inside and that can only be done from within.

The advanced techniques available through Hypnosis Michigan and Neuro-Linguistic Programming can, in just a few sessions, help you let go of the negative beliefs and emotions that may stem from a less than perfect childhood and are weighing you down now. Or, for that matter, I frequently work with people who “enjoyed” what on the surface appeared to be a good childhood yet still carried negative beliefs into adulthood. Even the best parents can inadvertently teach a child a negative belief. It’s important to remember that a young child with an undeveloped understanding of the world is the one doing the learning. As a result, while attempting to teach a child that they are capable of better performance in school or sports, may be learned as “I’m not good enough.”
If you want to enjoy life more. If you want to release negative emotions or if you want to finally fill that need to feel worthy or good enough from the inside, then schedule your initial session right now. Most clients experience significant improvement after their first session.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Does Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery Work?

 When dieting fails, people often consider gastric bypass surgery as a way to succeed in losing weight. Because of the cost and the risk involved in undergoing gastric bypass surgery, many people who find themselves at their weight loss wit's end, also consider a “virtual gastric bypass surgery”, also called gastric bypass hypnosis surgery.  In gastric bypass hypnosis surgery, the client is put into a relaxed and comfortable hypnotized state. Then through suggestion the client “imagines” the gastric lap band being surgically inserted and tightened. 

Following the session, the client's unconscious mind believes there is a gastric band around the stomach making the client feel full after just a few bites, the same as if a lap band had actually been surgically implanted. 

Gastric bypass hypnosis surgery can be an effective enhancement to an overall weight loss program. In order to make the whole process as effective as possible, my virtual lap band program starts with three hypnosis sessions where you will experience changes in many of your eating habits. Through hypnosis you'll reduce your cravings for sweets and carbohydrates while also getting in touch with that thinner you that's already inside you wanting to be revealed. 

These first three sessions are so effective for most of my clients that once completed, they decide to continue on their weight loss program without the additional expense of the gastric bypass hypnosis surgery.

Just as weight loss can be very difficult when your unconscious mind is working against you, weight loss can be fun and easy when your unconscious mind is working with you to reach your weight loss goal. 

So, before you decide to go with either the real gastric bypass surgery or the gastric bypass hypnosis surgery, sign up for my three session weight loss program and see just how much weight you can lose naturally and comfortably. Then, if you still think you need the extra help of the virtual lap band, we'll proceed with that part of my weight loss program. Schedule a session today.